History of Corporate Change LO8666

John Constantine (rainbird@trail.com)
Thu, 25 Jul 1996 09:07:29 -0700

Replying to LO8653 --

Keith Cowan wrote:
> The biggest obstacle to LO is the relative lack of "apprenticed"
> management who have confidence in the ideas of "doing it" and the very
> real pressures from their constituents for the instant fix. How many LO
> observers are here for the "silver bullet"? How many want that special
> book that will finally be the ultimate "list" to follow?

Keith hits that nail again. In so doing he responds to another thread
posed by Dave Pollard in his Intro (LO8639), that being the "shortage" of
wisdom within the corporation caused by the "too much to do to learn that"
syndrome. I think Dave and Keith are both expressing what appears to have
been a major flaw in the biz world...that shortage in intellectual
perspective caused by the very act of downsizing to acieve "efficiency".

In so doing, business may have lost not only the "cost" of the downsized
worker, but the trust which was built up over time, and the potential
wisdom which may have existed which, due to the downsizing, is no longer
available for use as a mentor/coach/leader/listener might well have

Socrates was, in effect, downsized as not only no longer useful, but even
a negative influence on the "organization". What if Plato had been
downsized? And the Academy deemed too costly and in-efficient? Not a
comforting thought...

Q: Is downsizing worth a thread of its own?

Thanks Keith.


Regards, John Constantine Rainbird Management Consulting Santa Fe, NM http://www.trail.com/~rainbird

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