Complexity & values LO8561

Robert Bacal (
Sat, 20 Jul 1996 00:19:02 +0000

Replying to LO8553 --

On 18 Jul 96 at 11:53, Thomas P Benjamin wrote:

> I'm concerned that we stand on our lofty and politically correct
> pedistals (what ever form those pedistals might take) and look down
> on "those poor, dumb savages" and commit the same blunders our
> forbearers did when they "went missionarying".

This is the risk involved in postulating universal values. I have talked
to Native Canadians who, in their thirties, have horrific stories to tell
about how well meaning religious folks set out to inclulcate children with
the universal, culturo-centric values that, to them were self-evident. In
practice, the actions were culturally genocidal. This occured in very
recent history.

Robert Bacal, CEO, Institute For Cooperative Communication, Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(204 888-9290.


"Robert Bacal" <>

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