Deming philosophy in educ LO8463
12 Jul 96 14:03:19 +1000

Replying to LO8449 --

>>I am a student in manufacturing engineering technology at Brigham Young
>>University. I have recently been introduced to the teachings of Deming,
>>Shewhart, and Taguchi. The philosophy they put forth is profound truth. I
>>am eager to learn more and understand even better the Deming philosophy

Whilst I agree that there is a lot to Deming and there are few agencies
and organisations that would not do well to use aspects of TQM in the
workplace, I do have difficulty with the "divine truth" approach espoused
in your note.

I think to adopt the role of the acolyte and thus to suspend healthy
scepticism and critical faculties would be a apity - as I think it leads
to mimicry without true understanding.

Stephen Dellar
Tasmania Australia


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