Golden Rule LO8462

Thomas P Benjamin (
Fri, 12 Jul 1996 17:17:15 +0530

Replying to LO8427 --

Replying to LO8407 and LO8427:

Carol Sager wrote, The teaching of biblical scholars of the old testament
has been that a rule that says Do unto others as you would like them to do
unto you places the person "doing" as judge and juror of what is right.
Therefore the golden rule can only be stated as do unto others as they
would like done unto them.

John added, Certainly a finer means of explaining than I attempted in
prior posts on this subject. Our thanks to the ancients. They might
have, as we? considered the idea of a "platinum rule" self-
justifying...and self-indulgent. The Golden Rule is the mirror we may
look into as we act...and see ourselves in the process. The mirror is
always clean and only shows what we are, and what we do.

I went into the root of the Golden Rule: Mathew 7:12 (Holy Bible) states
the Golden rule as follows: " Therefore, whatever you want men to do to
you, do also to them, for this is the law and the Prophets." The verse is
also stated differently in Luke 6:31 "And, just as you want men to do to
you, you also do to them likewise."

The two verses appear to be translating the great law " You shall love
your neighbour as yourself". This law in turn is said to be a summary of
the six commandments 5 to 10 of the ten commandments. To go further into
understanding the intent of the rule: We are made in Gods image. So also
the neighbour was made in his image. I like the imagery of the mirror
stated by John. If we love ourselves, then we expect to be treated in a
way that translates that love of ourselves. It is this mirroring that is
translated into action towards our neighbour. I think this will make a
good sermon. If the rule is lived through, we could have peace - world

Thomas P Benjamin
NDDB.Anand. India. 388 001
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[Thomas P=B]


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