Complexity and Values LO8457

Robert Bacal (
Thu, 11 Jul 1996 23:00:02 +0000

Replying to LO8438 --

On 11 Jul 96 at 6:35, wrote:

> In many areas of the world (China and Egypt are two) as soon as a
> child is born the child is given water from the local river. If the
> child cannot survive the dysentary, etc. which results then the
> child cannot live in that region anyway.
> My values, and I suspect most readers' values protest this tradition
> while we would be considered both bad and stupid (and condescending)
> for our solipsistic approach, IMHO. --

I suspect that for every ueniversal value" that we think is self-evident
and held by every human being, exceptions can be found, unless one alters
the meaning of values to be meaningless. To deny this, in my view is to
hold a rather ethnocentric view (or perhaps a single religious view). BTW,
there is also the killing of female children that has occured in a number
of societies.

Robert Bacal, CEO, Institute For Cooperative Communication, Located in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
(204 888-9290.


"Robert Bacal" <>

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