Low hanging fruit LO8403

Michael Erickson (sysengr@atc.boeing.com)
Tue, 9 Jul 1996 10:40:18 -0700 (PDT)

Hello Keith
thanks for your response.

On 5 Jul 1996, Keith Cowan wrote:
> I think we are in agreement. The low-hanging fruit term in my post was
> misleading. The term I should have used was "easy to identify" when
> asking why five times and interviewing enough people and gaining their
> confidence so they would be candid and honest. The changes I am talking
> about are not easy to implement, just easy to identify.
> In one instance, it involved centralizing an operation that was spread
> across three centres, changing job descriptions, moving people, training
> and some investment in technology. It was not however a major capital
> project. Hence the term ENTITLEMENT. It stayed in place and delivers
> major benefits in cost efficiencies and improved service levels now
> after four years.

Could you go into a little more detail about the idea of ENITITLEMENT?

> However, identifying the move and getting corporate buy-in was easy.
> It made sense as soon as people saw it. Even though it had NOT been
> done for over ten years previously! ...Keith

WE don't usually get to enjoy the results of "just pointing it out",
although as a cartoonist in a major corporation-I do my share of
illuminating various ideas.

Michael Erickson


Michael Erickson <sysengr@atc.boeing.com>

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