Management Commitment LO8297

Dr Ilfryn Price (
Thu, 4 Jul 1996 02:16:00 -0400

Replying to LO8260 --

Bill offers

Michael says speaking is action; but I will believe what you do many times
more than what you say.

Sorry Michael, I don't buy your arguement on this. Nor do most empoloyees
listening to the program-du-jour.
======end quote=======

Sorry Bill but I 'don't buy your argument'. Many 'managers' including many
'top managers' speaking about the latest program-du-jour [love the phrase
BTW] do not speak and act with any authenticity. Many employees do not
listen with any. The action spoken -whatever words are used - is one of
'doing this to you' or 'trust me: I'm the boss and this really is in your
best interests'. In an organisation conditioned to listening from this
perspective the leader who tries to speak differently may not succeed in
being heard as she intended first time round.

I forget the precise quote, or the individual, but I recall reading the
words of one US CEO to the effect that 'the only way to create a lasting
change is to get out there and have different conversations'

If Price
The Harrow Partnership
Pewley Fort Guildford UK


Dr Ilfryn Price <>

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