Entrepreneurship and Problem People LO8270

Keith Cowan (72212.51@CompuServe.COM)
02 Jul 96 23:12:41 EDT

Replying to LO8108 --

Rol Fessenden <76234.3636@CompuServe.COM> in commenting on dealing
with problem people asks for others' stories:

>...We may characterize managers as heavy-handed for other reasons, and if we
>do, then we need to understand the systemic causes for that behavior.
>That is, after all, the essence of learning. What is others' experience
>with firings? This really is an interesting subject on which to collect
>some relevant data.

In the spirit of Deming: "There are no problem people, only good people in
problem jobs (for them)", I have pursued the placement of people as a
non-judgemental fitting of people to opportunity. Unfortunately, there is
a lot of baggage associated with outplacement as a failure of one or both
of the parties. Charles Handy's books on the subject are pretty good at
painting the future in a way I am comfortable with (Age of Unreason and
Age of Paradox, Harvard Business Press).

Of the more than 20 people I have initiated outplacement with over some 20
years, NONE are still resentful. They ALL are thankful for the initiative
and feel they are genuinely better off as a result. A lot of references
are needed - helping with personal references, readings, placement 3rd
parties, timely returning of calls, ...

None of these would be viewed by them as "heavy-handed" though.


Keith Cowan <72212.51@CompuServe.COM>

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