Why is Wealth Important? LO8265

Dr Ilfryn Price (101701.3454@compuserve.com)
Tue, 2 Jul 1996 17:34:19 -0400

Replying to LO8243 --

Archie, truthfully, states

>Those who are wealthy (in knowledge, experience, money, property,
investments, whatever) will be able to survive. Those who are poor
(non-wealthy) will continue to rely on society to provide. I do agree that
the pursuit of wealth is critical, not for the end result however. It is
critical to lead individuals to their greatness.>

To them that have [under the extant set of self-evident truths/ values/
patterns/ beliefs/ accrueth more?

To them that have not- what ?

I recall an English Writer, C.P. Snow comparing to religions, one a
'gentle heresy' that flourished and perished in some briefly blooming
middle eastern civilisation the other Christianity which "sprang from mind
to mind like fire among the hopelessly dispossed of the Roman slums" - or
words to that effect.

Your words describe a reality of our society, yet one that haunts me,
because I sense the same dynamic having been played out many times in the
past with revoluions and suffering every time the balance shifted or, as I
understand the Chinese tradition held 'The mandate of heaven' moved.

Does it have to be that way? Does it matter?

If Price
The Harrow Partnership
Pewley Fort Guildford UK


Dr Ilfryn Price <101701.3454@compuserve.com>

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