Root Cause LO8128

Dr Ilfryn Price (
Wed, 26 Jun 1996 06:14:45 -0400

Replying to LO8092 --

Rol started

>If asks an interesting question. What can we do to create systemic change
>when there is not enough time?

I wish I had BTW but it was Carol who asked the interesting question.

He concluded

>My question in all of this is to wonder if these approaches> [by which I
>think he meant creating crises] are less effective than something more
>along the lines of LO. I am not sure they are.
>What are other thoughts?

I am not sure that there has to be a difference.

For me Learning is Evolution [a deliberate inversion of Bateson's
Evolution is Learning].

Learning - like evolution - happens in this view of the world when
equilibria are punctuated. I believe it is possible to do that in a way
that encourages a beneficial learning [for people, the world, and a
corporation/ organisation]. I also believe that the learning, like
evolution, can be accelerated when the environmental shift that will
enable it is created.

Lest it throw anyone I am well aware of many unfortunate and reprehensible
consequences of attempts to link Cultural and biogical evolution, well
aware of differences of rate, and well aware of the distinction between
Lamarckian and Darwinian methods. I am deeply sympathetic to the view
expressed most eloquently by Stephen Gould that the comparisons may have
done more harm than good. But at the end of the day I draw a different
message. I choose to believe that if we can get a better understanding of
the workings of learning as evolution we have a fighting chance of
avoiding its worst outcomes.

Enough. This is probably not an answer to your question Rol, but then
that's one of the great things that happens on the list.

If Price
The Harrow Partnership
Pewley Fort Guildford UK


Dr Ilfryn Price <>

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