Entrepreneurship LO7929

Keith Cowan (72212.51@CompuServe.COM)
17 Jun 96 18:23:48 EDT

Replying to LO7807 --

I said:
>...They also know that they will not be rewarded unless management has
>authorized or sanctioned the actions and they like being rewarded. They
>are NOT motivated intrinsically but have been conditioned to act for
>extrinsic rewards by "gold stars" and "high marks". I suspect this does
>not appply to that subset of LO list participants who actually act.
>Yet most are merely lurking and their idea of "action" is making a post
>which is so far removed from doing something in their respective businesses
>to be laughable. Maybe Richard can share with us the ratio of lurkers to
>posters on LO. I suspect it is less than 5% active. And this from a
>self-selected group of "change agents"! ...

As an update to the above, 25% of the change agents on LO are active,
much higher than average (as expected) but 75% are lurkers! This really
reinforces the point that MOST people adopt a "wait-and-see"
attitude before sticking their necks out! ...Keith

>[Host's Note:... For what it's worth, there are 1800 email
>subscribers to LO and a couple hundred more reading on the Web. A total
>of 500 have ever posted a msg, almost 300 have introduced themselves.


Keith Cowan <72212.51@CompuServe.COM>

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>