Will Sr. Managers Change? LO7675

jpomo@gate.net ("jpomo@gate.net")
Wed, 29 May 1996 18:40:09 +0000

Replying to LO7643 --

On Wed, 29 May 1996 08:59 Ben Compton wrote -

> Joan write:
> >The most important aspect of this human condition is that the boss
> > gets to decide how employees will act, what they do. If the boss
> > acts a certain way, employees will not be fearsome of their jobs
> > and will creatively commit themselves to do their best against the
> > highest standards of performance available, against all high value
> > standards. This includes being the best as concerns LO. Similarly,
> > the boss can act in a different way and cause employees to be
> > dishonest, play their cards close to their vest, not perform up to
> > normal value standards and not be good for LO.
> >So it is up to the boss to decide which actions he/she will use
> > because the response of employees has been preordained. If you
> > are interested in knowing what these actions are, email me
> > separately.
> I don't necessarily disagree with what Joan has said, however I think it
> is not an incomplete position. The dynamics of the system will largely
> dictate the "bosses" (or manager) behavior. And so in the end,
> everyone is responding to the systemic forces which most people
> don't even know exist. People who are placed in the same system will
> usually produce the same results.
> In my career I have seen groups literally chase their manager away --
> get him/her fired, demoted, promoted, etc. -- thinking that their
> problems were directly related to that person. When the group
> "enthrones" someone whom they believe will solve their problems,
> they become startled when that person makes decisions similar to --
> if not identical -- to the manager who was just removed.
> Out of this cycle comes a conviction deep in the heart of the group
> that all managers are incompetent and cannot be trusted to do the
> right thing at the right time (the team I am currently working with has
> accepted this as an irrefutable fact). In reality, the manager has
> simply succumbed to systemic forces. I think to a large degree this is
> what contributes to "conspiratorial learning organizations" -- where the
> employees participate in a rich learning environment which excludes
> their management (I too have seen this dynamic, and have been
> disconcerted that it surfaces as frequently and belligerently as it
> does).

I agree that what you say occurs and it is because over 90% of all
people are far closer to being externally directed conformists than
internally directed non-conformists. I was only trying to let
everyone know that there is a choice available to any boss. They can
stop doing what their culture leads them to do and start doing what
their people need in order to become highly motivated, committed team
players who love coming to work. As such, these people will make LO
come into being. This is every boss' choice regardless of their
position or personality or level of experience or culture which
surrounds them.

Regards, Joan
Joan Pomo The Finest Tools for Managing People
Simonton Associates Based on the book
jpomo@gate.net "How to Unleash the Power of People"


"jpomo@gate.net" <jpomo@gate.net>

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