Shape of the Org Chart LO5874
Tue, 27 Feb 1996 08:43:03 -0800

Replying to LO5851--

Jan, you asked

>how we might establish a quick way to probe the willingness of an
>organization to change?

I offer you the observation that the quickest starting point I know is the
diagnosis of the Unwritten Rules of the Game as described by Peter
Scott-Morgan [1994]. I once saw it produce, in a week, an explanation of a
resistance to change which lead a senior HR Director to observe "we've
just had 18 months of surveys which showed exactly that: we were wondering

To build on a metaphor from another posting (LO5856) If the rules say
"seagull" then you get seagull not "goose". The difference is that, unlike
birds we have, in principle sometimes more than practice, freedom to
choose. We do not always enjoy, or create, contexts in which that freedom
is easy to excercise so we agonize over the written stuff [like the org
chart] without changing the reality. Its the old syndrome of rearranging
the deckchairs on the Titanic.

If Price
The Harrow Partnership
Pewley Fort Guildford UK


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