Shift to seeing systems LO5735

Winfried Deijmann (
Sun, 18 Feb 1996 04:54:47 +0200

Replying to LO5661 --
"William J. Hobler wrote

>IMHO almost any experience that brings a team together to achieve some
>goal will help the business. The shared experience establishes social
>connections and begins to sort out the varied competencies of the group.
>It is a place that the natural leaders can be recognized and people can
>begin to respect each other. If you are trying to build a LO this is a
>good start.

Chris Costello<> wrote:

>IRL believes that the very separation of learning
>from work (in the form of explicit training programs, distinct and removed
>from practice) is quite possibly one of the biggest hurdles for learning

>By this definition, management flight simulators as described in Senge's
>Field Book would qualify as such a separate form of learning. As i
>grapple with the problem of how a simulation could be integrated into
>everyday practice, i wondered if anyone has had experience in trying to
>incorporate simulation, or other computer-mediated communications into
>everyday, real work and to what extent the effort was successful... or

>Along these lines, if organizations are viewed as "webs of participation,"
>changing the pattern of participation should change the organization. I
>wonder what effect this has on current management processes and styles?
>What are the deeply held assumptions of management that must be addressed
>for changes in participation to take root?

>I welcome any and all replies!

Charles Parry wrote:

>I would like to know what is out there as existing venues for facilitating
>this bridging. I am also very interested in some tales of the shift in
>awareness told from the inside out - I aspire to drawing out some useful
>generalizations that will aid in teaching systemic thinking out there
>inthe "real world" of (mostly) C->E thinking.

>Can you remember and describe your personal experience of making a bridge
>from seeing cause & effect to *seeing systems* ?

>Has the "Beer Game" been a venue for people shifting to *seeing systems* ?
>If it was for you, please consider remembering and reconstructing your
>subjective experience here.

>Likewise for experiencing a facilitated model-building with SD tools on
>your own firm's behavior (if this provoked a shift in yourself or

Perhaps my reply to the above mentioned questions is a bit of help.

OBS! I know my english is terrible in comparison to you, but try to reply
to me in Dutch and you'll understand my suffering.......

I facilitate this "bridging" by doing exercises based on Eurythmy.
Eurythmy is an art of movement created and developed by Rudolf Steiner
around 1915 in Germany. About 10 years ago I re-designed some of these
Eurythmy-exercises for use in my projects. I was searching for a 'therapy'
against a well known epedemical disease in industrial enviroments called
the "Quick Fix Syndrom". People who suffer from 'QFS' have the wrong
assumption that knowledge directly is transfered into skills.
My researchmotiv was: "Is it possible to link speechelements to fysical
movements and gestures of the body? and if so: What is the effect on
leadership - and learning disciplines? What benefit has it for business?"
The result is a set of moving-exercises to visualize system dynamics and
to accelerate transformation-processes. It has proven to be a quite usefull
teaching-method which provoked a hugh shift in myself and also does to many
of my clients.

I call them Exercises in Personal Mastery and - Group Mastery. I use them
in workshops and conferences to bring a team in no-time together. In
transition-projects it helps to contineously clarify and deepen personal
visions in comparison to the objective reality f.i. by focussing on the
question: "What has problemsolving to do with Personal responsibility"?

Walking patterns of geometric figures like a circle, a pentagram or
pentagon alone or with others in several ways helps to actualy SEE
interrelationships between all kind of systems. It gives a visible meaning
to f.i. the words: 'front-office' and 'back-office'. In this way one can
directly experience the meaning of 'coorporation' and gain momentary
insight of what it takes from him or her to coorporate.
You can literally see 'Webs of participation" and what happens if you
(ex)change persons and patterns. Links to the 'real world' are then easily

It also adds something essntial to the concept and practice of Team
learning. "Thinking together" starts after my opinion with moving

In Germany there are already some organisations who has adopted Eurythmy .
In june 1993 the World Health Organisation and the German 'Bundesverband
der Betriebskrankenkassen' distinguished Eurythmy as 'a Model of Good
Practice' and taken it in into the European Informationcentre for Health
in Essen.

Greetings from Foggy Holland!

Winfried M. Deijmann
Deijmann & Partners
tel.: +31 (0)575-522076
Human Resources and Communications Consultancy fax.: +31 (0)575-527310
Het Zwanevlot 37
NL 7206 CB Zutphen
Netherlands Email:

"An educated mind is useless without a focussed will and dangerous without
a loving heart"

-- (Winfried Deijmann)

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