LO and the Internet LO5553

Monday, 12 February 1996 8:05am PT

I've been participating in and learning from this group for about seven
months and am interested in discovering if anyone has specific ideas about
how the inet might drive learning in an organization or support an LO.
Since we already use the www for internal communications, we are looking
for ideas outside the nine dots.

I'm a project manager in corporate strategy for a large systems integrator
in Silicon Valley working with a technical team assessing what the inet
might provide to the way business is conducted both inside and outside the

Patti Ferguson
Amdahl Corporation
408-992-3223 FX 408-737-5345

Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>