Pay and Play LO5329
Wed, 31 Jan 1996 12:50:42 GMT

Replying to LO5110 --

Original Message:
>From: "Dr. Ivan Blanco" <BLANCO@BU4090.BARRY.EDU>
>Date: Wed, 24 Jan 1996 16:17:19 -0500 (EST)
>With respect to the conversation on performance review that Roxanne and
>others have had, I would like to say that in the U.S. performance review
>is still very punitive (or perceived by employees this way), and is
>conducted in a very dysfunctional way. When the review is used with
>employee development in mind, then the attitudes might change and the
>process might become more productive. The other problem I see is that we
>are experience a comeback to the notion that employees could be considered
>as a "means" to profits. All the downsizing, rightsizing, etc., really
>leave the impression that massive layoffs are a "good" thing! They lead
>to better financial picture of the firm, even if it is only shor term.
>In some other message it was mentioned that managers recognize that if
>they share information with their employees, their units may perform
>better. If this same notion is applied to the performance review, then it
>will be a more positive process!

Ivan, your message reminds me of a presentation I attended given by
Motorola, re: performance feedback loops. They had developed 6 dialogue
questions that each supervisor and employee were to discuss each quarter.
The questions were like this: What value have you added to our company in
the past three months? How did what you did during that time support our
mission? The idea was not to judge, but to have a dialogue about these
issues, and make course corrections, if an employee was off track with
company mision, vision and goals.

Sue Inches (