Intro -- Wayne Liubinskas LO5085

wayne.m.liubinskas (
24 Jan 96 8:57:10

I have been browsing the learning-org discussions for some time now and
have found many of the discussions to be very thought provoking.

My studies have been in organisation development and human resources and
have spent 2 years in personnel recruitment before coming to my current

I am currently working within a large general consulting organisation in
Australia where I have been for around 13 months.

The areas that interest me from the discussions so far are the Team, LO
and New Sciences discussions.

A couple of questions that I have that readers may be able to answer are:

1. I have been involved in sporting and work teams where at certain points
the team has just clicked and the synergy has been incredible, the
personal gain unforgettable. The problem is that these periods of synergy
have not lasted. What are the current thoughts on whether the synergy in

2. In discussions over Senge's ladder of inference my colleagues have
espoused that there will always be situations when it is not plausible to
speak or get to the fact. My thoughts are that the only thing stopping us
from talking "directly" is our own immaturity. That is, we have not yet
been able to overcome our egos, ettiquettes, etc. What are readers
thoughts on this?

Wayne Liubinskas
Arthur Andersen
wayne m.

"wayne.m.liubinskas" <>