Pay and Play LO4910

Alan Mossman (
16 Jan 96 02:54:31 EST

Replying to LO4832 --

in Pay and Play LO4832 Roxanne Abbas wrote:

>I'm beginning to think that we should abandon formal written
>feedback processes for informal, verbal, real time, face to face
>dialogue. We need to learn how to give and receive feedback

For three years now I have been teaching feedback in the context of the
creative process (a la Fritz). This works well even in cultures where
upward feedback is generally taboo like Malaysia and Nigeria.

Within the creative process feedback is given in the context of the agreed
goal (end result); the purpose of feedback to any individual is to
increase the chances that the team will complete the task successfully.
The feedback is therefore a statement of current reality in relation to
the goal.

Many of the common guidelines for giving good feedback still apply - e.g.
describe behaviour - some do not. Each case needs thinking through afresh
in terms of our values and purpose as an organisation and the immediate

Working within the creative process keeps the focus on a desired future,
working in real time. The feedback could come by any medium but face to
face enables any misunderstandings on either side to be quickly sorted.

The focus on a shared goal - an intrinsic motivator - (rather than on the
individual) makes it easier for the individual to hear the feedback.

Alan Mossman
The Change Business Ltd
tel +44 1453 765611
fax +44 1453 752261