Organizational Design LO4876
Mon, 15 Jan 1996 09:30:00 -0500

Replying to LO4845,

John said:
>I think we can safely say that the source of all conflicts comes from
>people operating from different assumptions that they take to be "true."
>My version is the "truth" and yours isn't. Of course, you are likely to
>tell me the same thing, and off we go. As we know, the purpose of
>dialogue is to get at the assmptions behind what we each think is true,
>and as we come to know and appreciate each other's assumptions, this opens
>us up to dealing with one another and learning from one another.

My paper "SPREADTHINK: Explaining Ineffective Groups" (1995), Systems
Research 12(1), 5-14, indicates that what John says is always true when
the subject being dealt with is complex. Systems Research is a John Wiley
journal edited by M. C. Jackson from England. I have reprints available.
However that particular issue has several articles directly relevant to
the LO. You can buy single copies from the publisher, but why not
subscribe to it? DISCLOSURE: I am an Associate Editor of that journal.
SECOND DISCLOSURE: The only income I get from it is psychic.

John Warfield