Handling Media Interviews LO4486

Aaron Pun (apun@oise.on.ca)
Fri, 29 Dec 1995 16:20:17 -0500 (EST)

[Subject line shortened a bit by your host...]

A few contacts who are introducing the learning organization concept have
been made alerted to the fact that changes in organization whether
successful or in vain attracts publicity. It is not the PR office will be
responsible for handling tough if not nasty question from the media. One
of the competency development they have identified is the frontline
managers and the chief executives who are capable of anwering tough
questions and stand any attack from the press and media. One of their
concept is that if they can answer the questions from the media, they can
have a clear idea of what they are doing and it is also an important area
of competency for people who are promote organizational learning.

They asked if this forum can suggest reading materials, books or learning
packages which may help them in developing the competency of people in
this area.

Please let me have references if any.

Aaron PUN
APA (International)
Fax (905) 881 7275