Downsizing Literature LO4395

Ray Evans Harrell (
Fri, 22 Dec 1995 01:35:55 -0500

Replying to LO4372 --

To the list:

It seems my first post to the list was reformatted,
in transit and the new format justly indicated how
important paragraphs and sentence position are to
complex structures. I apologize for the difficulty
and suggest that reading it on the largest possible
page restores not the original formatting but at
least a readable one.

Host's Note: Ray, and any others, sorry that there's a problem.

Yes, I reformat msgs to "look good" on an 80 character wide screen. *This*
paragraph is an example. If you're reading on a narrow screen and Ray's
paragraph (above) looks better than this one, please send me a note. I'd
like to know the incidence of this problem. Please send such note to:

No need to respond if most learning-org msgs look OK to you. Thanks.

-- Rick Karash,, host for learning-org

Ray Evans Harrell

-- (Ray Evans Harrell)