"Seeing" the same LO3411

Wed, 25 Oct 95 13:41:53 GMT

Replying to LO3324 --

The idea that sharing a common language is necessary for constructing a
data model, and for engaging in a real dialog about the two-way
interaction between a database model and the business it supports, is
fascinating and important.

I have been thinking that the work of designing information systems is
like the "leader's work" of designing the cruise liner in The Fifth
Discipline. The design requires not only an effective grasp of the system,
but also an ability to communicate with the domain experts -- the captain,
the crew -- about the technical details of the design (the data and
process models). So systems thinking is ESSENTIAL for information systems
design, yet typically our training is in relational theory and network
operating systems. And on the other side, businesspeople (and most
contributors to this list, I would guess) do NOT study the details of

How can we think about bridging this gap in language and exercise
leadership in designing information systems that are as effective as a
cruise ship?

Bo Warburton
(800) 262-2638, box 4887