Re: STIA- About Interventions?? LO3060

Barry Mallis (
4 Oct 1995 08:40:37 -0400

Reply to: RE>>STIA- About Interventions?? LO3041


I won't let your final words slip by without another thought! Innocuous
enough, your words waved to me like the swishing tail of an apparently
slumbering cat: "Seems to depend on perspective, as does what's inside and

Love it.

"I have lived on the lip
of insanity, wanting to know reasons,
knocking on a door. It opens.
I've been knocking from the inside!"

I think it was St. Francis who said "Man looks for what is looking". And
it is Jim Saveland who raps again on the door of this question of
perspective. Are consultants a disturbance from the outside or part of
the system?

Do people have fire inside, and need only be shown that their fire is
"part of the system"? What is the human analog to the sprinkler system,
the fire department, the smoke jumper, the arsonist?

Who are we, standing in all this thought traffic?


Barry Mallis