Re: Joint Mental Maps LO3057
Wed, 4 Oct 1995 00:31:28 -0400

Replying to LO2924 --

In a message dated 95-09-24 JOHN N. WARFIELD wrote:

>The development of "Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM)" in the period
>1971-73 produced algorithms for use by groups (or individuals in a
>special case) in constructing joint mental maps.

What references are available to the ISM work?

I am trying to find information on methods that could be used to identify
group and individual mental models and the effects they have on various
knowledge structures in a corporation's collective knowledge set and in
turn, further develop some early thoughts I have along the line that:

(1) Given knowledge of the collective set of corporate mental models, one
could make meaningful projections of the biases that exist within the
knowledge set

(2) Given knowledge of the biases that exist within a knowledge set, is
there anything that can be known about potential gaps in the knowledge set
that would inhibit changes and growth within the organization?

Any references to related work or thoughts on the general premise would be
