Re: Anonymity in Meetings LO2524

Barry Mallis (
23 Aug 1995 08:33:34 -0400

Reply to: RE>>Anonymity in Meetings LO2514


I agree that avoiding social status attribution may be positive in come
circumstances. And that we do activate our filtering mechanisms in
face-to-face meetings.

But I also warmly support your own words about the ideal of open
communication. Doesn't this call out a fear that by using anonymity, we
are actually promoting to some degree the use of a crutch? Isn't there
some degree of "enabling" (in the negative sense, as when parents enable
negative behavior in offspring by inappropriately "coming to their aid")
going on here?

To take your thought a bit out of context (but still to tie it to month's
earlier postings on this list), I'd say that our business tools should do
everything possible to connect us face-to-face. The Talking Stick Circle
represents something positive for me. It represents THE direction.

Those electronic tools we have now at our disposal are wonderful, too.
But their abuse is well documented, is it not?

I think I'm walking a fine line here, and would love to hear from others.
Roughly speaking, we have typed about three levels (?) of things on this
list: ideas, tools and people. Is there a natural hierarchy at play?
Some of us have indicated so. If so, where does essential humanity fit in
to the GROWTH picture, along with increased market share, ROI and
iterative improvement of processes?

Best regards,
Barry Mallis