Re: The Meaning of Holism L LO1856

Barry Mallis (
29 Jun 1995 10:09:17 -0400

Reply to: RE>>The Meaning of Holism LO1832

Answering Jim Michmerhuizen's questions to me about the meaning of

Yes, yes, and yes. Vibration is an "occult" catch-all for everything that
emanates from us. The romantic, fuzzy-edged meaning for such a word is
dangerous, as I think your critique suggests.

But I'll stick to it.

I like your use of the word "disturbance" which reminds me of
astrophysics' occasional use of the word to describe to lay people like me
a perturbation in a field. Simplistically stated, it's when something
affects something else (whoa, did I really type that?) , has an effect,
causes something to happen. Now, there are those among us who admit to
people "making waves". We commonly think of such people in organizations
as sticking up above the rest, being notable for better or for worse. I
think the term has equal measures of good and bad image associated with

Biologists talk about energy fields emanating from and surrounding us
humans. That's a physical property. We intellectualize and generate
waves that way, too. And the energy flows out, etc. etc. etc. So you
see, Jim, those things you mentioned in your reply to me are all there,
yes, in my mind when I talk about vibrations. Also, the Beach Boys.

To DO anything with this point of view is the matter at hand, is it not?
Company t-groups? Hardly. Get everybody on the net to read this malarkey?
Impossible. Build bridges slowly across an organization? Possibly. So
I'll vibrate a little here, a little there, a kind of Colombian cumba
dance down the corridors of business. We, you and I, will affect others
by example, by story-telling, by force of ethical presence, concern for
Truth and Love. The beacon may be small, but it will be unmistakable.
For those nearby our light, there may be increased vision of a general
kind, leading to a deeper personal vision.

Maybe human interaction (ripples, vibrations, etc.) will confute entropy!
No, not rumor and opinion, but intelligent, compassionate, physically
present and presented thought. Which leads to more of the same. And more
and more.


The center clear. Knowing comes: The body is not singular like a corpse,
but singular like a salt grain still in the side of the mountain.


Barry Mallis