The Meaning of Holism LO1842
Wed, 28 Jun 95 19:50:03 EDT

Replying to LO1773

Because David Markham mentioned "the dog eat dog paradigm" and turfdom and
territoriality, I would like to suggest a provocative speech that just
appeared in Vital Speeches of the Day (June l5, 1995) by Joline Godfrey
titled "What's Good for Women is Good for the Country: Your Truth is the
New Paradigm." This was delivered at the Albuquerque Woman Top 25
Luncheon, April 7, 1995. She spoke about interviewing sucessful women
business owners all over the U.S., and she commented, "But as they heard
one another's stories, it became obvious they were all telling the "same"
secrets and they "shared" a world view: The old myths of business they
had grown up with: every man for himself, buyer beware, bigger is better,
were bogus, or at least false for them. Each of the women at those tables
and countless others I have listened to since, tell of running companies
according to their own sense of what is right, they often do so,
outwardly, "passing" as real business people to be taken seriously." She
also added some important findings related to the relationship of profit
to serving the community and different interpretations of what it means to
be successful in business.

Margaret E. Holt
Room 418 Tucker Hall
Adult Education Department
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602
Phone 706-542-2214; FAX 706-542-4024