Culture for Innovation LO1626
Tue, 13 Jun 1995 11:09:14 -0400

Replying to LO1588 --

Michael Giallourakis writes:
>I am interested in assessing characteristics of organizational
> culture that enhance innovations or technology developments.

I found a book several years ago that is a very useful overview of
organizational structures in that it looks at a number of different
paradigms for viewing organizations. The book is called "Images of
Organization" by Gareth Morgan (Sage Publications).

He has an entire chapter on Organizations as Culture.

Also, Michael might want to explore organizational cultures from the
perspective that they are an emergent property of organizational systems.
We use this perspective when working with our clients. We have developed
and use an organizatonal systems model in which the basic subsystems --
people, leadership, work processes and technology -- are all linked.
Impacts/changes in one cause impacts/changes in the other.

What emerges from the integration of these subsystems is organizational
performance, organizational culture, etc.

Peter von Stackelberg
Applied Futures, Inc.