orgcult scales and technology LO1608

Michael Giallourakis, MIS (MGIALLOURAKIS@COBILAN.MsState.Edu)
Sun, 11 Jun 1995 14:18:16 CST

Hello. Can you help. I am interested in assessing characteristics of
organizational culture and innovations and or technology developments.

Question: Are there any orgcult. scales that I can use. Please reply
to me:

Thanks, Michael
Host's note: I asked Michael to give some additional background for his
request; he wrote back with the information below...
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 1995 09:30:23 CST
From: "Michael Giallourakis, MIS" <MGIALLOURAKIS@COBILAN.MsState.Edu>

Hello Rick: Regarding my message which was concerned with assessing
char. of organizational culture that enhance innovation and or
technology development. I am searching for some orgcult scales to
measure what kind of organizational culture is necessary to promote
innovation and or technology development.

By training (Ph.D.Indaina University) I use a funnel approch to my
research. Let me provide some background, so that we can share our

I have been conducting mgt. workshops in Mexico and lecturing at
Mexican Universities. I made some friends who have some connection
to the govt. Next month two of my friends are visiting me here at
Mississippi State University. Their whole trip is to design a
comparative research project that will look at/assess if you will
orgcult that enhance innovation.

Mexican firms from visits, from my reading and from other sources need
to develop jobs, etc. One way is for Mexican firms to become
innovative thus creating through products- jobs. To allow their
people to express ideas, projects, etc. learning if you will.

I have in mind to use 3M as a benchmark. Because their orgcult
promotes innovation/learning. There may be others that I will find.
Presently I have my grad.student doing a complete search.

I have looked at Kunda's Book - Engineering culture.

I have no problem in sharing. The more ideas are out in the open the
better eveyone is off. My goal is to help my Mexican research friends
improve the Mexican firm so that they can provide jobs and compete in
todays global market. An only an innovative firm will do.

I hope this helps. Be happy to do talk to anyone.



"Michael Giallourakis, MIS" <MGIALLOURAKIS@COBILAN.MsState.Edu>