Re: Fruits of Learning LO1548

Orbis (
07 Jun 95 13:51:47 EDT

Replying to LO1520 --

On Tues, June 6, my local paper reported on an Ernst & Young study
commissioned by the U.S. Labor Dept.. Harard, Wharton and Ernst & Young
researchers "reviewed over 100 papers examining business practices of
thousands of U.S. companies."

Findings included:
- Economic benefits to companies were greatest where they had integrated
training with innovations in management and technology.
- Those companies that invest in employee development enjoy higher market
values than their peers.
- Those companies who are first in implementing new management practices
reap the largest rewards.

I have not yet seen this reported elsewhere. If anyone knows more, or how
to obtain the report, I would be very interested.

Orbis <>