Re: Storytelling LO1076

Aaron Pun (
Fri, 5 May 1995 12:51:54 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO1057 --

On Thu, 4 May 1995 SAMPLEE@ORAU.GOV wrote:

> Replying to LO1014

> > How is storytelling different from real world case studies?

Case studies can be strutured, semi-structured, real time, ... and are
intended for analysis. Stories tend to be memories of the past which
embraces certain morals. Quite often we they are myths, decription of
heros, .... which are intended less for analysis. They tend to be
suggestive and allow us to make meaning, ideas and insights out of them.

Involving organizations in renewal process, I often like to get the
members get into groups to share stories of heros, myths, stories which
handed down from their colleagues and fictions which they may believe to
be true to reflect what they remmember as important lessons for their
organization. We get so much rich information from these stories out of
which I ask them to pull out themes - to learn from sharing commonality
and differences as well as the underlying morals.

I often ask them to identify stories which they would like to see happen
again and stories they would like to forget. What heros and myths they
would like to see them appear in a form which can bring about renewal. The
sharing often lead to revealing their aspiration and later lead to the
formation of vision (We have a common dream type) for later discussion on
how these dreams can came true.

I like stories not only in my lectures but aslo in OD activities which
enrich qualitative researchers to realise the flesh and blood of the
organization for developing strategies with the members for rewriting
their stories.

Aaron PUN (DPhil)
APA (International),
OD & Mgt D Consulting,