Re: Shared Vision Tough Spots LO907

Keith Cowan (
Sun, 23 Apr 1995 17:40:16 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO882 --

> Peered at through human eyes, the great benefit of capturing the essence
> of the organization in a vision is that it gives the average human being a
> sense of initial conditions, from which the exponential change peddled by
> the change agent can take its starting point. It's hard enough to know
> how to make a transition into the great unknown when you're given the
> initial conditions, but at least you know where the nonlinear differential
> equation starts to unfurl its chaotic trajectory. If you start with an
> unknown state (as typically occurs in any totally intuitive situation,
> free of the discipline of description), it doesn't really matter where you
> try to go because you might already be there.

I am in enthusiastic agreement with the need to rationally determine the
starting point in order for any visions to be meaningful and, yes John,
you have hit upon the key element for the effectiveness of any vision: IT
CONDITIONS. This puts a large onus on establishing those conditions in an
unbiassed fashion. This is what I meant by being consistent with the
current culture. Some stretch is essential to any vision. Too much stretch
causes a disconnection and the vision becomes disfunctional.......

Keith Cowan       Phone: (416)565-6253           FAX: (905)858-7131
Toronto        Internet:  Compuserve: 72212,51