Re: Wisdom LO906

Keith Cowan (
Sun, 23 Apr 1995 17:32:12 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO879 --

> Look, haven't you had the experience of seeing that something _must_ be
> the case, without being able to say how? The intuition that we say is at
> work in such cases, the "inner" intuition that Lindsay and Birren are
> referring to, has got to be "connectable" to logical thinking. I think
> when you're saying that intuition and logic are very different, you can't
> mean that these are different truths or worlds, whatever. Because none
> of us, in our individual lives, can afford to leave these two forms of
> experience _isolated_ from each other. And so, in fact, it often happens
> that where an insight may come at me first in the form of intuition, I
> can over some hours, or weeks, "unpack" it into some logical expression
> that can then connect with - and have an impact on - the rest of my world.

I also rely heavily on intuition and sometimes my intuitive feeling is
that my intuition is not working depending on the circumstances. It is
this sensitivity to the current reaction to such intuition that I think
makes it effective. Nothing worse than a consultant/facilitator who
"thinks" they know the answer when they did not perceive all the nuances
of the question based on the feeling of their current audience.

Keith Cowan       Phone: (416)565-6253           FAX: (905)858-7131
Toronto        Internet:  Compuserve: 72212,51