Intro - Eddy Steenbergen LO847

Eddy Steenbergen (
Thu, 20 Apr 1995 20:06 AEST

Hello all

I intro therefore I am (apologies to Descartes).

>From the island state Tasmania in that water-surrounded country Australia
I come. My employer is the state Department of Environment and Land
Management, in particular that part of Corporate Services which provides
Information Technology Services (eight of us).

First a little explanation of why this list interests me.

It is very easy in information technology to become totally preoccupied
with the technology. We individually learn a great deal but we don't seem
to learn as a group very well. I'd like to change that in our group.

>From other perspective, I am interested in the organisational change which
accompanies implementation of computer-based systems, and the learning
necessary by the client for effective use.

So what is my current project?
to specify and then implement something I call a learning repository -
something any member of the group can add to, modify and obviously search.

Eddy Steenbergen
snailmail:PO Box 175, North Hobart, Australia 7002
homephone: (002) 72-6007
workphone: (002) 33-3300
-----in omnia paratus-----