Re: Workplan for LO in I/S LO782

Keith Cowan (
Fri, 14 Apr 1995 08:48:53 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO750 --

> She says that learning organizations call something from the
> heart of people, whereas a prodcut is external and doesn't
> call on the heart.
> I am interested in feedback from people who have defined
> and communicated the idea of a learning organization to
> a large organization? How did you do it? What thoughts
> do have on defining it for an organization as a prelude
> to implementing it.

I have used the approach of describing the desired outcomes of an LO and
then attributing changed or enhanced behaiours that will happen to that
changed outcome. BTW, the approach of describing desired outcomes in ample
detail is also fundamental to my leadership and empowerment style. I avoid
any discussion of HOW (unless asked, and then only after much questioning
to lead them to the conclusion) but focus on a clear vision of what the
desired outcome will look and feel like.

This works for items as simple as executive presentations which get done
by people two levels below me and are correct the first time. The
investment of fifteen minutes to articulate the outcome is more than
saved through the learning that takes place AND the total absence of any

Keith Cowan       Phone: (416)565-6253           FAX: (905)858-7131
Toronto        Internet:  Compuserve: 72212,51