Re: Change management team LO693

William R. (
Thu, 6 Apr 1995 08:27:24 -0700

Nancy Dixon in LO642, replying to LO615, writes:

>I like the logic and reasoning behind the ideas in your mission statement
>- - yet I have a concern. My concern is that one group (management) is
>working to figure out how another group (supervisors) can and should

I, too, have concerns, but I think mine are different than yours.

In the work I do with organizations, missions are about *being* something,
not *changing* something or someone. While a cross-section...or the whole
company, for that matter...might develop the mission as a group, more
often than not the leaders have the authentic right and responsibility to
declare what the company *is*. *That's* the core mission.



Dick Barnett -- Management Consulting, Speaking, Seminars
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