Re: Resistance to Change LO643

Sat, 01 Apr 1995 22:38:39 EST

I have been following the notes on Resistance and decided
to jump in when I perceived a strong trend to 1) deny the
existence of resistance outside of the change agent 2) lay
total responsibility on the change agent to understand the
the reasoning of the person's not wanting to change their
behavior. Let me start by challenging one statement:
Someone said: "I have never heard anyone say - "I am
resisting change." As a consulting in manufacturing and
engineering for 10 years, I have heard many people say: "I
resist change." I have also experienced people who work
consciously and intentionally to derail changes - even at
the expense of themselves and their fellow employees. Here
are my assumptions about resistance:
1) Many people resist changes.
2) Some of those resistors can be educated or persuaded
to adopt the change.
3) Others will fight the change - covertly and overtly.
4) Despite good faith efforts, a few fighters will not
change - if you want the change to work, you will
probably have to consider removing them from the
organization or a position of influence.
This may sound harsh - but, I believe some organizations
have to be pruned to survive. I have met few leaders
who weren't concerned about the ability of a minority of
managers to adopt changes.

I assume that my role as consultant requires me to make
a good faith effort to understand the assumptions/logic/
needs of the members of the organization and try to plan
the change to accomodate those needs/logic/etc. On the
other hand, when I identify someone as unwilling to change
and willing to sabotage a change I am working on - I think
it is my responsibility to communicate this to management -
my customer.

This has been my nuts and bolts experience as a consultant
on change projects - and I think it is the experience of
many consultants that I know.

My bottom line - resistance exists and sometimes you have to
remove it to succeed. Has anyone had a similar experience?

Charlie Fleetham