Intro -- Liz Greene and Re: Gossip LO378

Liz Greene (
Fri, 10 Mar 95 09:29 EST

Replying to LO370 --

It seems the recent discussion about gossip has taken on two different
meanings. I believe the message that started this thread interpreted
gossip as a negative, nonconstructive/destructive means of informal
communication within an organization. The method in which this "bad talk"
(as well as "good talk") occurs is, in organizational communication terms,
the "grapevine." The grapevine is a long-recognized essential part of
organizational communication and is not necessarily a bad thing.


I suppose it's high time I introduce myself. Hello all! I've been enjoying
following the dialogue of this group for about a month or two. I
participated in another listserv (of a training & development nature) a
few months ago and became VERY discouraged by the dialogue. I can't
remember how I latched onto this group, but I'm so glad I did -- it's
almost like coming home!!

I am a communication/human resource specialist for Cooperative Extension
at Cornell University. My communication work is mostly in the writing,
editing, design, and layout of administrative-type publications. I wear my
human resource hat when dealing with liability issues. (My heart and past
experience is in staff development. Prior to coming to Cornell, I was
manager of training & development at Georgia Tech. )

I practice lifelong learning. I am currently a graduate student at
Cornell, working on an MS in Adult Education, with a minor in
organizational communication. I am finding the discussion about the
philosophy of LO to be very applicable to my philosophy of adult learning
and organizational communication. I look forward to continued dialogue in
this area as well as others.

Liz Greene
Human Resource Associate
Cornell Cooperative Extension


From: (Liz Greene)