Re: Shadow Work LO67

Tim Dalmau (
Sat, 11 Feb 1995 11:53:29 +1100

>The concept of shadow work and archetypes is lifted directly from the work
>of Carl Jung, who first conceived the idea of the "shadow" level of the
>personal unconscious and the "archetypes" of the collective unconscious.
>These concepts are basic building blocks of Jungian psychology,

I think it is very unfortunate that the term archetype is used by the
learning organization people for it does lead to some significant confusions
and misunderstandings. A very careful reading of the explanation for the use
of the term "systems archetype" in both The Fifth Disciple and The Fifth
Discipline Fieldbook strongly suggests that the Jungian equivalent of term
"systems archetype" is actually a "complex".


Tim Dalmau Tel:61-1-874-8128 Fax:61-7-289-2131 or
PO Box 283 Samford Village Qld. 4520 Australia