Re: Is speed/technology really progress? (was Re:Progress

Keith Cowan (
Sun, 22 Jan 1995 16:42:59 -0500 (EST)

> There's also an implicit assumption that to the end-user, fast is
> good. The extra 30 seconds in line may be just fine with me,
> especially if I'm taking the time to relax and space out, or talk
> with the person next to me, etc.
> Stever Robbins

It is indeed ironic that you might not ascribe value to this service.
As an (acting ) executive to one of the providers of this service, let
me add that there are significantly higher costs associated with the
technical aspects as allowing instantaneous debits to your accounts.
Literally there is a tenfold increase in the account debit activity
when compared to digging into your pocket for the $ for the transaction.

So if you are representative, then you will EVENTUALLY pay more for this
service that you enjoy less unless you DO SOMETHING about it!

Keith Cowan       Phone: (416)565-6253           FAX: (905)858-7131
Toronto        Internet:  Compuserve: 72212,51