Andrew Moreno (
Fri, 13 Jan 1995 06:05:44 -0500

Richard Karash asked:

>How do *you* help a group bring out their mental models? What are
>your favorite techniques? What are the tricks to make these work
>well? What are the traps to avoid?


Jonah, in the book, "The Goal" by Eliyahu Goldratt, uncovered
the plant manager's mental model by asking a lot of questions.

Does anyone see a pattern to the types of questions that Jonah

I noticed that Jonah started with setting and defining a result.
The plant is there to make money; how does a plant manager know
when the plant is making money.

The faults in the plant manager's mental model started with no
clear concept of what results he wanted. Actually, the plant
worked perfectly; it was perfectly losing money.

I thought it was interesting that Jonah asked a lot of questions
and let the plant manager (I forget his name, I read the book
while browsing in a bookstore) think things through on his own.

Andrew Moreno

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