Re: Stuck in the middle

Denis Cowan (
Wed, 11 Jan 1995 11:10:15 +0000

G'day from denis cowan

My business partner and I (we are a 2 person organizational consultancy.
I operate from feeling and intuition, he operates from logic) are finding
that we are now playinh the partner role for a variety of clients.

> The point of a "partner" is to find someone who can be honest
> with you about what you're doing. That's the most important
> thing. They don't necessarily have to be a co-crusader. Nor
> do they have to be the-! single-! person-!
> Mostly, as I understand it, they have to be honest, discreet,
> unflappable, and dedicated enough to take the time to listen
> to you and help you talk things out.

We find that in most cases this realtionship has developed over time. We
started work for the client in a training capacity etc. and after a
period of time became almost "personal process consultants". We have no
interest in the content or outcomes. Our interest lies in the client
processing their own situation from as objective a perspective as possible.

These clients are looking outside for this support because of the high
political risk of "talking inside". However in most cases we have found
that the client ends up identifying and working with a group of other
insiders whom they trust.

ps. as a consultant I find this type of work extremely satisfying. this
is mainly because the people are usually in transition and are seekers.

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