Re: Ford & lurking

Tue, 08 Nov 94 15:53:47 pst

Judy - I agree with Chas B. I was particularly intrigued by your comments given
the lengthy writeup on the Lincoln project as a model of learning organizations
in action in "the Fifth Discipline Fieldbook." I hate to put you on the spot and
ask you to explain the actions of such a huge corporation, but it does sound
like the one hand doesn't know what the other is doing. Would you be willing to
discuss this a bit on the list? It's a pretty quiet list anyway, you might fall
asleep if you stick to lurking here, IMHO. ;-)

Sean Gawne, Southern California Edison (714) 368-8338

Judy Shepard don't stay lurking in the background!

To help you from your lurking tendencies could you answer why Ford's
teams and managers are just now asking you to look for ways to
eliminate steps and entire processes in the quest for reduced costs
and global competitiveness?

Why wasn't it done in 1990? or 1986? Or 1980-1 when you where losing
billions? hmmmmmm?

We really want to know, well I really want to know?
Charles Barclay 2404 Maile Way
Dept. of Mgmt & Ind Relations Honolulu, HI 96822
University of Hawaii Fax: 808 956-2774 Phone: 808 956-8545

The Anita Hill--Clarence Thomas debate is NOT about sexual