short eared show

January 26, 2003

Short eared owls put on a show for us today. Hunting actively over Cross Farm Hill, they seemed as glad as we were to be outside and not huddled out of the wind and cold.

A short eared owl caught a meadow vole and started off with it clenched in its talons. A northern harrier appeared out of nowhere and went at the owl talon to talon. The short eared dropped the vole. The harrier never got it. I hope the vole was still alive and got away into its subnivian winter tunnel.

Today's Bird List
Plum Island
short-eared owl 5
northern harrier 2
white-throated sparrow 1

Today's Reading
One Whaling Family by Harold Williams, The Measure of All Things by Ken Alder

This Year's Reading
2003 Book List


Journal Index



Copyright © 2003, Janet I. Egan