ethicomp iv (1)
grant proposal
group A
r-11-5 translations
up (copper) - out
splash - breast - fell
splash - chin - fell
light - sky
light - finches
light - hemlock
splash - basin
considering - watch
considering - their bodies
considering - vote
r-11-5 summaries
ethicomp iv (2)
  ethicomp iv (2)

[end encapsulated messages]

to aicore
from ethicompiv
priority 5

our analysis of the foregoing material suggests one possible explanation for the changes in the humans' body masses and their repeated failures to communicate

if your more powerful analytical engines wish to review and compile the entire database of translations plus the lexicon in progress we request 1 hour of power consumption at half normal levels to facilitate transmission of data plus completion of priority housekeeping routines


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