Use of Materials From My Web Pages
Gayathri Kamath

Thank you for taking the time to read this. All material on my web pages is copyrighted, and this notice is posted on the page. If you would like to bookmark any page, please feel free to do so -- there is no need to ask for permission.

If you would like to link to a page, please send me email asking for permission. This is mostly to satisfy my curiosity about who's linking to my pages. 99.999% of the time, I will say yes.

If you would like to copy material from a page and reproduce it elsewhere, please send me email with information about what you want to reproduce, the publication in which it will appear, and any alterations that you want to make (additions, deletions, etc.). I am more than happy to share the information in these pages, but I have a few requirements that you should be aware of before you ask. First, I do not currently make any money or charge any fees for this information, and I would require you to do likewise if you reprint it (minus a reasonable fee for printing or mailing expenses). Second, I require you to publish my name and contact information (email) with the material -- not for bragging rights, but so that readers can contact me with any updates and corrections. Some of my pages deal with matters of personal safety, so this is very important. If you can meet these criteria, you may almost certainly reprint whatever you want with my blessing -- but I do require you to ask first.

Thanks for reading. If you have any other questions, please contact me via email.

Copyright 2000 Gayathri

All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. Contact the author at with inquiries.