Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile

I met Cleo one fine October morning. I went to the Counseling Center, at RPI (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) for some help with my test anxiety. As I was talking to the counselor, I saw a box with two kittens in it. Never owning a pet, I didn't pay much attention to them.

One of them rolled out of the box, a small bundle of fur, sort of tumbled across the floor, and stopped at my boot. I was wearing combat boots, and this little fuzz-ball was tinier than my foot. It would have fit comfortably in my hand.

Next thing I know, the little ball of fur grows claws and starts to climb up my boot, up my leg, up my leather jacket (tiny little claws grabbing into the leather), and doesn't stop until its sitting on my shoulder, nestled into my neck and hair, and purrs into my ear. At this point, I have a sinking feeling in my gut, and hear in my head: "You are mine, Human. I choose you to take care of me, and love me and keep me safe and warm."

I have been owned by Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile since October of 1990. I think her favorite place to sleep is on my legs, and her favorite toy, a shoelace.

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