Ace plumbing

OK, I finally have the sink working again. This has nothing to do with Passover, for a change. The faucet in the master bathroom (if you scroll down to photo 128 you can see what I'm talking about) hasn't been flowing well for weeks now. All right, for months, but several weeks ago I took it apart and replaced the parts that have usually fixed the problem. The real problem this time was that the screen on the aerator was all covered with scale, gunk, and crud (those are probably three words for the same undesirable material, but I want to be sure I've covered all the bases). The other problem was that too many parts were corroded together. I had to use the claw of a hammer to pry off the handle and scratched up the aerator cover badly with pliers getting it off. The cold water worked great after that repair, but the hot was still just a trickle.

I ordered replacement parts by phone early this week and they arrived on Wedensday. Of course I wasn't going to have time to do any repairs around the seders, so today was my first chance. I was pretty sure there was gunk inside the faucet that couldn't get out until I took out the guts of the thing, but water still didn't flow when I did. To make a long story, involving a trip to CVS for pipe cleaners, slightly shorter (but why? If I leave it full length can't I pad the entry?) I ended up disconnecting the hot water feed pipe below the faucet, holding my finger over the end of the faucet, and blowing as hard as I could into the top of the mixer. I must have broken through the blockage, because hot water now comes out the way you want it to. And, knock on wood, no water is dripping from where I reattached the hot water feed pipe. Excuse me while I go pee and wash my hands in hot water.

Nobody's home at the moment. Ira and Greta went to David's, and Arlene, Anne, Lee, and Kristina went to Frugal Fannie's in Framingham. I'm catching my breath and getting set to try some more wildlife photography. See you later.

brief pause ...

After supper ( just Lee, Kristina, Arlene, and me? how strange) we drove Kristina to rendezvous with Gena and Jimmy (and Jen and her husband) at a Bob's store just off route 24 in Randolph. We don't normally hang out in Randolph much, but it was an easy-to-find middle ground between our house and Jen's. We felt a little strange waiting in the parking lot in the dark -- a little as though we were part of a drug deal on a TV show -- but the four of them showed up and Kristina will get to stay at another house before she goes to her father's in New York.