In Support of the Sun Ra Presidency

And in the end
covered in sequined ceremonial splendor
we reached the foregone conclusion
the far-gone conclusionary acceptance
the way-gone transcendent affirmation
the seriously-distant-gone planetary solution
an amplified hologram of pulse red neon
had responded to our humble prayer
blessed our generic bone-cage packaging
shirts and shoes and strategic swaddling
common temptation's glorious ruby fissure
And in the end
freed from our corporate infrastructure
we cast aside our suspect earthly scripture
the false gods of Japanese management theory
New Age visions of franchised enlightenment
peace of mind pastel gift shop merchandise
our standard inbred political reasoning
was swept away by the big band alchemy
candlelight bandstand keyboard semaphore
pedals and brushes and distant star uniform
free horn cascade and bright Saturn silhouette
And in the end
rescued by saucers and true upward mobility
stripped of our celebrated pseudo-complexity
we embraced the tenets of tonal benevolence
the Sun Ra system of mathematical uncertainty
the Sun Ra inclusion of haphazard mystery
one final chance to salvage the experience
a beautiful, crystalline schematic innocence
we shook loose the tether of blue resignation
layers of memory disguised as depression
the Sun Ra Presidency
began on the right note

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