Corsairs at Inchon: 4- Sep-50

by Joe Ferrara

Background: While supporting the Inchon invasion, the USS Valley Forge's radar detected an unknown contact. Four Corsairs from VF-53 were scrambled to investigate. The contact turned out to be a Tu-2 "Bat" light bomber. On sighting the F4Us, the Red pilot turned towards North Korea and attempted to dive away. The Tu-2 tail gunner opened fire on the pursuing Corsairs. Two of the Corsairs returned fire, sending the Tu-2 into the Yellow Sea.

Map: Blue Sky

Aircraft: United Nations = Two F4U-5 Corsairs
North Korean = One Tu-2 Bat

Set Up: The Tu-2 begins in hex 2508 heading SSE at altitude 8.0, speed 4.0, wings level. The F4Us begin in hexes 1211 and 1112, heading north at altitude 10.0, speed 7.0, wings level.

Game Length: 20 turns or until the Tu-2 exits the map or is destroyed

Special Rules

  1. The Tu-2 moves first on turn one and on every turn until it has fired it's guns at least once.
  2. The Tu-2 gunner must fire at the first F4U-5 that comes into range. F4Us may not fire until the turn after the Tu-2 does. The Tu-2 may not exceed the TT turn rate until it has fired at least once.
  3. In order to win, the Tu-2 must exit the east edge of the map. Any other outcome is a UN victory.

Additional Rules:

  1. Pilot Quality :
  2. US has Air/Sea rescue available.

Notes: Both the F4U-5 Corsair and the Tupelov Tu-2 can be found at Uncle Ted's ADC Collection.

Variations: For a solitaire game, the player controls the Corsairs. The Tu-2 turns east at the TT rate, using one VFP to lose 2 altitude levels rate per turn, until they are facing directly east. Once facing east, the Bats continue to dive as above, heading directly for the east edge of the map. All guns fire at the nearest Corsair that is in-range.

Sources: Hallion, The Naval Air War in Korea, p 61 and Bruning, Crimson Sky, pp 40-41 and 216.

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